Conferences will be scheduled with parents during the school year to discuss a child's progress. Developmental Progress Reports will be completed by the teacher. A copy will be placed in the child's file and one will be given to the parents. A parent may request a conference with the teacher or director at anytime during the school year.
Holy Comforter Episcopal Kindergarten is a special place. Our program has ample supplies and materials, small class size and experienced teachers. Children can grow and learn at their own pace, developing the skills and self-esteem necessary to enter elementary school, prepared and confident.
At Holy Comforter Episcopal Kindergarten, we believe it is necessary to present children with both teacher-directed and child-initiated activities. Our Kindergarten curriculum contains objectives that exceed the Virgina Standards of Learning and include reading, phonics, math, science, writing, social studies, and spelling, along with fully integrated activities in character development, computers, Spanish, art and music.
Our Kindergarten teachers are experienced educators. They teach in both group and individual settings to ensure that your child is developing the skills necessary to enter first grade equipped and eager for the challenges ahead. The children will develop answers on their own using critical thinking and hands-on materials, while supported by encouraging, loving teachers in a warm, learning rich environment.
Kindergarten registration for the 2025-26 school year will begin January 6th, 2025. Parents who are interested in enrolling their children at Holy Comforter will be offered a tour as well as time to observe in the Kindergarten classroom. To schedule a tour, please contact our office at 703-938-3704. A parent information meeting for the next school year will be held at 9:15am December 3rd, 2024 in the chapel at Holy Comforter Church. Click on all the links to the right to complete the kindergarten registration forms.
Children should bring their nut-free lunch Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesday is our Hot Lunch Day. Time will be set aside for children to eat their lunch, in a relaxing atmosphere, while talking with their friends.
Children should bring a nut-free snack daily. Children may also bring in a special snack to celebrate their birthday/holiday with their classmates.
Our school generally follows the Fairfax County Public School calendar from August until the beginning of June. Click on the link below for our yearly calendar. Kindergarten graduation is June 5th, 2025 at 9:30am.
From our 2 1/2 year old class to kindergarten graduates!